年度 | 月份 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 國家 | 城市 | 性質 |
113 | 06 | 鍾雅惠 蘇育令 | 幼兒園文化課程的實踐與挑戰 | 112學年度文化課程推廣經驗及實踐實例研討會 | 000 | 台北 | 國內研討會 |
112 | 06 | 陳芷軒,鍾雅惠 | 幼兒園教師實施文化課程的挑戰 | 幼兒園教保活動課程大綱十年學術研討會 | 000 | 台北市 | 國內研討會 |
111 | 03 | 蘇育令,鍾雅惠 | Understanding Children’s Perspectives on the Role of Preschool Teachers and Finding Cultural Changes in Early Childhood Education(2021) | The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2021) | 013 | 東京 | 國際研討會 |
108 | 12 | 鍾雅惠,陳淑琦 | 幼兒園文化課程甄選得獎實例課程設計與內涵分析 | 2019幼兒園文化課程學術研討會 | 000 | 台北 | 國內研討會 |
108 | 09 | Su, Y., & Chung, Y | Understanding preschool teachers’ practices and perspectives of values education: Creating caring classrooms. | ECER 2019: European Conference on Educational Research. | 334 | Hamburg | 國際研討會 |
108 | 09 | Su, Y., & Chung, Y. | Exploring young children’s understanding of value of caring using Mosaic approach.(2019) | ECER 2019: European Conference on Educational Research. | 334 | Hamburg | 國際研討會 |
107 | 08 | Su, Y., & Chung, Y. | Understanding Taiwanese preschool teachers’ beliefs about developmentally appropriate practice: Patterns and the influences from the onsite in-service training(2018) | The European Early Childhood Education Research Association | 313 | 布達佩斯 | 國際研討會 |
107 | 08 | Su, Y., & Chung, Y. | Examining effects on Taiwanese preschool teachers’ beliefs about developmentally appropriate practice(2018) | The European Early Childhood Education Research Association | 313 | 布達佩斯 | 國際研討會 |
106 | 07 | 陳淑琦、鍾雅惠 | 建構共學文化:從推動幼兒園文化課程談起 | 2017幼兒園文化課程學術研討會 | 000 | 台北 | 國內研討會 |
104 | 01 | Chung, Y., & Walsh, D. J. | Children's collaborative writing at comprters | the Tenth Illinois Education &Technology Conference | | | |
104 | 01 | Chung, Y. & Su, Y. | Pre-service teachers' cultural beliefs on teaching young children | Fourth Pacific-Rim Conference on Education | Korea | Busan | |
104 | 01 | Su, Y. & Chung, Y | What we could learn from a case study of two college students' professional development plans | 33rd Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference | Taiwan | Taipei | |
103 | 11 | Su-Chi Chen, Ya-hui Chung | Taiwanese Place and Culture-Based Kindergarten Curriculum and Its Implications for Teachers’ Professional Development | the 10th WALS conference | Indonesia | Bandung | |
102 | 12 | 鍾雅惠 | Young Children's Perspectives on Peer Collaboration | 「2013全方位成功」國際學術研討會 | | 台北市 | |
102 | 10 | Yu-ling Su, Ya-hui Chung | Learning through reflection: College students' emotional reactions and exploration of professional development. | 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Education | South Korea | Gyeongju | |
102 | 10 | Ya-hui Chung, Yu-ling Su | Pre-service teachers’ cultural beliefs on teaching young children | the Fourth Pacific-Rim Conference on Education | South Korea | Gyeongju | |
101 | 07 | Ya-hui Chung,Yu-ling Su | Young children's peer collaboration process in a project approach classroom | the Third Pacific-Rim Conference on Education | Japan | Sapporo | |
099 | 01 | Su, Y. & Chung, Y. | Professional development opportunities for early childhood majors. The experiences of using professional development plans. | the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education | | | |
097 | 01 | Chung, Y. | Becoming Teachers of Young Children: Preservice Teachers’ Interpretations of Early Field Experience | The 5th Biannual International Conference & Exhibition | South Korea | | |
096 | 01 | Chung, Y. | Young Children’s perspectives on peer collaboration in a computer-supported writing project | the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association | USA | Chicago | |
095 | 01 | Chung, Y. | Young children’s peer scaffolding practices in a computer-supported writing project. | annual meeting of the Korean Society of Early Childhood Education | | | |
095 | 01 | Chung, Y., & Cheng, Y. | A Bakhtinian perspective on young children’s collaboration | the annual meeting of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association | | | |
094 | 01 | Chung, Y. | Constructing a joint-story writing space: Young children’s collaborative writing at computers. | Young children and creative technology | | | |
094 | 01 | Chung, Y. | How are two heads better than one? Unpack the dynamics of peer collaboration | the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association | Canada | Montreal | |
093 | 01 | Walsh, D. J., Chung, Y., Sung, S., Lee, T., Bakir, N., Chen, Y., Campuzano, H., Chung, K., Kedem, Y., Tufekci, A., Waight, N., Liu, W., & Ozturk, Y | Using digital video in field-based research | Workshop conducted at the 17th Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies | | | |
093 | 01 | Walsh, D. J., Chung, Y., Sung, S., Lee, T., Bakir, N., Chen, Y., Campuzano, H., Chung, K., Kedem, Y., Tufekci, A., Waight, N., Liu, W., & Ozturk, Y. | Using digital video in field-based research on human interaction | Workshop conducted at the 4th Annual Qualitative Research Conference: Border Crossings in Research | | | |
092 | 01 | Chung, Y. | A case study on three children’s Star War’s play | annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, | | | |
092 | 01 | Chung, Y., & Cheng, Y. | Technology and education reform in the postmodern condition | the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, | | Chicago | |
092 | 01 | Chung, Y., Liu, W., & Sung, S. | Video data analysis software. In D. J. Walsh (Chair), Using digital video in field-based research | the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association | | | |
092 | 01 | Burdick, L., Chung, Y., Hesbol, D., Hesbol, K., & Sfondilias, J. | Teaching with technology at the University of Illinois: PT3 project exemplars and more. | the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education | | | |
091 | 01 | Chung, Y., & Walsh, D. J. | Snack table socialites: Children’s peer culture in Taiwan | the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association | | | |