
鍾雅惠   幼兒教育學系 助理教授



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11306鍾雅惠 蘇育令幼兒園文化課程的實踐與挑戰112學年度文化課程推廣經驗及實踐實例研討會000台北國內研討會
11103蘇育令,鍾雅惠Understanding Children’s Perspectives on the Role of Preschool Teachers and Finding Cultural Changes in Early Childhood Education(2021)The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2021)013東京國際研討會
10809Su, Y., & Chung, YUnderstanding preschool teachers’ practices and perspectives of values education: Creating caring classrooms.ECER 2019: European Conference on Educational Research.334Hamburg國際研討會
10809Su, Y., & Chung, Y.Exploring young children’s understanding of value of caring using Mosaic approach.(2019)ECER 2019: European Conference on Educational Research.334Hamburg國際研討會
10708Su, Y., & Chung, Y.Understanding Taiwanese preschool teachers’ beliefs about developmentally appropriate practice: Patterns and the influences from the onsite in-service training(2018)The European Early Childhood Education Research Association313布達佩斯國際研討會
10708Su, Y., & Chung, Y.Examining effects on Taiwanese preschool teachers’ beliefs about developmentally appropriate practice(2018)The European Early Childhood Education Research Association313布達佩斯國際研討會
10401Chung, Y., & Walsh, D. J.Children's collaborative writing at comprtersthe Tenth Illinois Education &Technology Conference  
10401Chung, Y. & Su, Y.Pre-service teachers' cultural beliefs on teaching young childrenFourth Pacific-Rim Conference on EducationKoreaBusan 
10401Su, Y. & Chung, YWhat we could learn from a case study of two college students' professional development plans33rd Annual Pacific Circle Consortium ConferenceTaiwanTaipei 
10311Su-Chi Chen, Ya-hui ChungTaiwanese Place and Culture-Based Kindergarten Curriculum and Its Implications for Teachers’ Professional Developmentthe 10th WALS conferenceIndonesiaBandung 
10212鍾雅惠Young Children's Perspectives on Peer Collaboration「2013全方位成功」國際學術研討會 台北市 
10210Yu-ling Su, Ya-hui ChungLearning through reflection: College students' emotional reactions and exploration of professional development.4th Pacific Rim Conference on EducationSouth KoreaGyeongju 
10210Ya-hui Chung, Yu-ling SuPre-service teachers’ cultural beliefs on teaching young childrenthe Fourth Pacific-Rim Conference on EducationSouth KoreaGyeongju 
10107Ya-hui Chung,Yu-ling SuYoung children's peer collaboration process in a project approach classroomthe Third Pacific-Rim Conference on EducationJapanSapporo 
09901Su, Y. & Chung, Y.Professional development opportunities for early childhood majors. The experiences of using professional development plans.the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education  
09701Chung, Y.Becoming Teachers of Young Children: Preservice Teachers’ Interpretations of Early Field ExperienceThe 5th Biannual International Conference & ExhibitionSouth Korea  
09601Chung, Y.Young Children’s perspectives on peer collaboration in a computer-supported writing projectthe annual meeting of the American Educational Research AssociationUSAChicago 
09501Chung, Y.Young children’s peer scaffolding practices in a computer-supported writing project.annual meeting of the Korean Society of Early Childhood Education   
09501Chung, Y., & Cheng, Y.A Bakhtinian perspective on young children’s collaborationthe annual meeting of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association   
09401Chung, Y.Constructing a joint-story writing space: Young children’s collaborative writing at computers.Young children and creative technology   
09401Chung, Y.How are two heads better than one? Unpack the dynamics of peer collaborationthe annual meeting of the American Educational Research AssociationCanadaMontreal 
09301Walsh, D. J., Chung, Y., Sung, S., Lee, T., Bakir, N., Chen, Y., Campuzano, H., Chung, K., Kedem, Y., Tufekci, A., Waight, N., Liu, W., & Ozturk, YUsing digital video in field-based researchWorkshop conducted at the 17th Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies   
09301Walsh, D. J., Chung, Y., Sung, S., Lee, T., Bakir, N., Chen, Y., Campuzano, H., Chung, K., Kedem, Y., Tufekci, A., Waight, N., Liu, W., & Ozturk, Y.Using digital video in field-based research on human interactionWorkshop conducted at the 4th Annual Qualitative Research Conference: Border Crossings in Research   
09201Chung, Y.A case study on three children’s Star War’s playannual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association,  
09201Chung, Y., & Cheng, Y.Technology and education reform in the postmodern conditionthe annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago 
09201Chung, Y., Liu, W., & Sung, S.Video data analysis software. In D. J. Walsh (Chair), Using digital video in field-based researchthe annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association  
09201Burdick, L., Chung, Y., Hesbol, D., Hesbol, K., & Sfondilias, J.Teaching with technology at the University of Illinois: PT3 project exemplars and more.the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education  
09101Chung, Y., & Walsh, D. J.Snack table socialites: Children’s peer culture in Taiwanthe annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association  

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