年度 | 月份 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 | 卷 | 期 | 頁 | 類型 |
113 | 10 | Ho, S. H., Chen, J. C., & Lu, Y. Y. | Do External Acitvities Matters? Research Expectations and Social Service Contributions in Taiwan Academia | Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia | 21 | 2 | 1-25 | scopus |
113 | 07 | Robin J. C. Chen, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho, Futao Huang, Ying-Yan Lu | Insternationalization of higher education institutions: a comparative study in Taiwan and Japan | International Journal of Comparative Education and Development | 0 | 0 | | SCIE |
111 | 10 | Shin, Jubg Cheol; Ho, Sophia Shiheui; Chen, Jung Cheng & Jin-Kwon Lee | Does institutional performance matter under competence-based funding for higher education in East Asia? A comparative study in Korea and Taiwan | Studies in Higher Education | 48 | 3 | 383-398 | SSCI |
111 | 10 | Shin, Jubg Cheol; Watanabe, Satoshi; Chen, Jung Cheng; Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; & Jin-Kwon Lee | Institutionalization of competition-based funding under neoliberalism in East Asia | Studies in Higher Education | 00 | 00 | | SSCI |
111 | 08 | | Importance and performance of SDGs perception among college students in Taiwan. | Asia Pacific Education Review | 0 | 0 | | SSCI |
111 | 06 | | 國民中學教師知覺校長關係領導對組織學習影響之研究,以組織信任為中介變項 | 教育行政與評鑑學刊 | 0 | 31 | | |
110 | 12 | Chuan-Chung Hsieh, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho, Hui0Chieh Li, Jyun-Kai Liang | Mindfulness as moderator against emotional exhaustion due to online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic: An investigation using JD-R model and COR theory | Frontiers in Psychology | 12 | 781804 | | SSCI |
110 | 09 | | 臺灣校務研究辦公室運作現況調查問卷分析 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 93 | | |
109 | 10 | | What matters on academics' job satisfaction? An analysis from Taiwan APIKS | Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia (JIRSEA) | 18 | 2 | 28-50 | scopus |
109 | 10 | | Institutionalization of competition-based funding under neoliberalism in East Asia | Studies in Higher Education | 45 | 10 | 2025-2062 | SSCI |
108 | 12 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho, Ya-Han Hsu | The Relationships among Socialization, Professional Training and Perspectives on Job Market: Evidence from Taiwan Doctoral Student Survey | International Journal of Chinese Education | 8 | 2 | 134-159 | scopus |
108 | 09 | 彭耀平、何希慧 | 外部社會資本能否為高等教育機構帶來正向的績效?以內部社會資本與機構寬裕資源為中介變數 | 當代教育研究季刊 | 27 | 3 | 65-100 | TSSCI |
108 | 04 | Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Zhaohua Zhang, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | A Study on the Relationship among Knowledge Acquisition Sources at the Teacher- and College-Level, Student Absorptive Capacity and Learning Outcomes: Using Student Prior Knowledge as a Moderator | Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice | 19 | 2 | 22-39 | SSCI |
107 | 03 | | 教師轉換型領導與學生就業力發展之研究:以社會認知生涯理論論述之 | 教育科學研究期刊 | 63 | 1 | 69-102 | TSSCI |
107 | 01 | | 以資源基礎觀點論述高等教育機構績效之研究—以社會資本為干擾變數 | 香港中文大學 教育學報 | 46 | 1 | | TSSCI |
107 | 01 | | 大學生學習模式與學習成效間關聯之研究:深度取向學習投入為中介變項 | 課程與教學季刊 | 21 | 1 | 133-158 | TSSCI |
106 | 11 | | 臺灣與中國大陸學生對教師知識移轉、就業力與主觀幸福感關聯性之研究 | 教育政策論壇 | 20 | 4 | 1-32 | TSSCI |
106 | 06 | | Innovative Pedagogy: A Case Study-the Culinary Arts College in Taiwan | International Dialogues on Education: Past and Present | 4 | 3 | | |
106 | 06 | | Perceptions of University Professors in Taiwan towards Institutional Resource and Social Capital: Internal and External Perspectives | Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia | 15 | 1 | 93-105 | scopus |
106 | 04 | | The Impact of Taiwanese College Students’ Learning Motivation from Self-Determination Perspective on Learning Outcomes: Moderating Roles of Multi-Traits | KURAM VE UYGULAMADA EĞİTİM BİLİMLERİ EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: THEORY & PRACTICE (SSCI) | 17 | 3 | 1015-1034 | SSCI |
105 | 11 | | 從外部觀點探討學生就業力發展因素之研究: 市場導向與國際化程度之影響 | 教育政策論壇 | 19 | 4 | 1-35 | TSSCI |
105 | 09 | 何希慧、 彭耀平 | 建構高等教育機構行政人員之內部關係品質模型與實務之研究:以領導成員交換與內部關係投資為干擾變數 | 教育與心理研究期刊 | 39 | 3 | 1-37 | TSSCI |
105 | 08 | | Strategic Agenda-Setting of Institutional Research in Taiwan’s Higher Education Institutions | Higher Education Evaluation and Development | 10 | 1 | 93-119 | |
105 | 06 | | Organizational Ambidexterity and Performance: Do Taiwanese High-tech Firms Trade Off New Customers for Efficiency Gains? | International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences | 5 | 4 | 1-9 | |
105 | 06 | | 校務研究連結校務發展與績效責任-以科技大學為例 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 60 | | 其他 |
105 | 06 | 何希慧、 彭耀平 | 臺灣與中國大陸深圳地區大學生學習動機與學習成效關係發展之比較:以學習模式為中介變項 | 教育實踐與研究 | 29 | 1 | 139-172 | TSSCI |
105 | 05 | | Institutional management, working condition and academic contribution in Asian Higher Education | The 10th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics & Informatics | 0 | 0 | 126-131 | scopus |
105 | 03 | | 建立校務專業管理體制:連結校務研究、校務發展與自我評鑑 | 臺灣教育評論月刊 | 5 | 3 | 40-43 | |
105 | 03 | 何希慧 | 校務研究連結校務發展與績效責任-以科技大學為例 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 60 | 22-25 | |
105 | 02 | | Managing resources and relations in higher education institutions: A framework for understanding performance improvement | Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice | 16 | 1 | 279-300 | SSCI |
105 | 02 | 何希慧,彭耀平 | 運用學習理論之跨層次與雙面兼具觀點分析台灣大學生最適學習路徑之研究 | 教育學報 | 44 | 1 | 51-77 | TSSCI |
104 | 09 | | 大學建立校務研究體制之規劃建議:以學習成效評估及提升機制為例 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 57 | 38-41 | |
104 | 09 | | 大學建立校務研究體制之規劃建議:以學習成效評估及提升機制為例 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 57 | | 其他 |
104 | 08 | | 校務研究策略規劃之模式與工具 | 中區技職教學新知專刊 | 0 | 2 | | |
104 | 08 | | 校務研究策略規劃之模式與工具 | 中區技職教學新知專刊 | 0 | 2 | | 其他 |
104 | 05 | | 推動大學教師評鑑及教學評量的省思與建議 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 55 | 1 | | |
104 | 05 | | 推動大學教師評鑑及教學評量的省思與建議 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 55 | | 其他 |
104 | 01 | 何希慧 | 海峽兩岸高等教育學生學習動機與成效之初探 | 中國教育科學研究院《大學》(研究版) | 0 | 232 | 31-38 | |
103 | 12 | 何希慧 | 台灣試辦教師專業分工與多元升等制度之可行性-英美大學執行經驗給高教政策推動的啟示 | 蘇州大學學報(教育科學版) | 2 | 4 | 119-124 | |
103 | 11 | | 校務研究的新思維:大學校院建立學生入學管理模式 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 52 | 14-18 | |
103 | 11 | 何希慧 | 校務研究的新思維:大學校院建立學生入學管理模式 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 52 | 14-18 | 其他 |
103 | 06 | | 技職校院推動教師專業分工與多元升等制度~以學校定位及特色發展為依歸,落實學術自主目標 | 中區技職教學新知專刊 | 1 | 1 | | 其他 |
103 | 01 | | 技職校院推動教師專業分工與多元升等制度~以學校定位及特色發展為依歸,落實學術自主目標 | 中區技職教學新知專刊 | 0 | 1 | | |
103 | 01 | | 技職校院推動教師專業分工與多元升等制度~以學校定位及特色發展為依歸,落實學術自主目標 | 中區技職教學新知專刊 | 0 | 1 | 2-6 | 其他 |
102 | 10 | | How do Thinking Styles Influence Collaborative Dispositions?A Study on the Relationships between Thinking Styles and Collaborative Dispositions for Youngsters in Taiwan | Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri (Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice) | 13 | 4 | 2059-2070 | SSCI |
102 | 08 | | 職能概念導入大學課程 | 高教論壇 | 0 | 80 | | |
102 | 08 | 何希慧 | 職能概念導入大學課程 | 高教技職簡訊 | 0 | 80 | 25-28 | 其他 |
098 | 05 | 何希慧、王淑芳 | 建構學生學習能力指標:以東吳大學結合學生e-portfolio為例 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 19 | | 其他 |
096 | 09 | | 做好教學評鑑配套措施 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 9 | | 其他 |
096 | 03 | 何希慧 | 化被動為主動: 國外一流大學提升學生學習成效五妙方 | 評鑑雙月刊 | 0 | 6 | | 其他 |