年度 | 月份 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 國家 | 城市 | 性質 |
111 | 09 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Institutional Research in New Normal Education | 22nd SEAAIR Conference | 015 | 首爾 | 國際研討會 |
111 | 09 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; Robin Jung-Cheng Chen; Ying-Yan Lu | Does Institutional Governance Matter in Academics’ Job Attitudes? A Comparative Study in Taiwan, Japan, and Korea | 22nd SEAAIR Conference | 015 | 首爾 | 國際研討會 |
111 | 09 | Jung Cheol Shin, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho & Robin Jung-Cheng Chen | Leadership and academic identity for sustainable higher education development in Korea and Taiwan | 34th Annual CHER Conference Sustainable and Responsive Higher Education | 309 | 于韋斯屈萊 | 國際研討會 |
111 | 04 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; Robin Jung-Cheng Chen; Jung Cheol Shin | Funding Policy Reforms in Korea and Taiwan: Rhetoric or Reality? | The 8th HERA Conference (Higher Education Research Association) | 060 | 香港 | 國際研討會 |
111 | 03 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; Robin Jung-Cheng Chen;Ying-Yan Lu | Do External Activities matter? Research Expectation and Social Service Contribution in Taiwan Academia | Paper Discussion on Relationships among different missions | 324 | 阿威羅 | 國際研討會 |
110 | 07 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Socio-Cultural Adjustment of International Faculty Members and Their Intention to Stay in East Asian Research Universities: Preliminary Findings. | 7th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF) 2021 | 019 | 線上 | 國際研討會 |
110 | 07 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho & Robin Jung-Cheng Chen | What Factors Impact on Institutional Funding Size among Taiwanese Universities under Competition-Based Funding Mechanism: Does Performance Matter? | 7th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF)2021 | 019 | 線上 | 國際研討會 |
110 | 07 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho & Robin Jung-Cheng Chen | Academics’ Working Condition of Teaching and Research in Taiwan | 7th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF)2021 | 019 | 線上 | 國際研討會 |
109 | 12 | Sophia S. Ho, Hsin-Chin Lin, and Robin R.Chen | New managerialism, strategies, and internationalization in Taiwan higher education institutions | 4th the academic profession in the knowledge-based society | 031 | Onsekiz Mart university | 國際研討會 |
109 | 10 | Robin R. Chen & Sophia S. Ho | Relations of the university management style and the consciousness of academics in Taiwan | 3th Academic profession in knowledge-based society (APIKS) | 349 | Vilius | 國際研討會 |
108 | 08 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Comparative study of APIKS findings among Esat Asia countries | 2nd conference of consortium of the research project Academic Professions in Knowledge Societies (APIKS). | 334 | Kassel | 國際研討會 |
108 | 06 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Study on the Construction of Training Module and Thematic Curriculum of Boundary-spanning Leadership for Community Elites | Educational Innovations in Countries Around the World | 417 | Seattle | 國際研討會 |
108 | 03 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho, Robin Jung-Cheng Chen | Organizational Response to Evaluative States in Taiwan | International Seminar on Academic Profession and Policy in East Asian Higher Education Theme: Workshop on Academic Profession, Governance and Policy in East Asia | 019 | Sabah | 國際研討會 |
108 | 03 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Issues and Challenges for of Doctoral Education and Post-doctoral Training: From Knowledge Society and East Asia Comparative Perspectives | Hiroshima International Conference: Academics’ Teaching and Research Activities in the Knowledge Society: Main findings from national surveys | 013 | Research Institute for Higher Education, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY | 國際研討會 |
108 | 03 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho*, Ya-Han Hsu | Institutional Responses to Assessment-based Funding Policy in Taiwan | 6th Global Higher Education Forum 2018; Thriving for Knowledge, Industry and Humanity in a Dynamic Higher Education Ecosystem, 6th GHEF, IPPTN | 019 | Universiti Sains Malaysia | 國際研討會 |
108 | 03 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho, Michael Yao-Ping Peng | The study on the relationship among antecedents, academic performance, teaching quality and social service based on APIKS survey: Evidence from Chinese Taiwan | Hiroshima International Conference : Academics’ Teaching and Research Activities in the Knowledge Society: Main findings from national surveys | 013 | Hiroshima, Japan | 國際研討會 |
107 | 11 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho*, Robin Jung-Cheng Chen, Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Ya-Han Hsu | Doctoral Training, Socialization and Perspective on Job Market in Taiwan | AUA (Asian Universities Alliance) Graduate Education Forum 2018 | 520 | 北京 | 國際研討會 |
107 | 09 | 何希慧 | A Review on Evaluation Practice in Taiwan’s Science and Technology Programs from the Perspective of a Logic Model Approach | International Conference on Research Ethic and Innovations in Business Management and Social Science | 015 | 首爾 | 國際研討會 |
107 | 09 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen & Sophia Shi-Huei Ho* | Comparative Study on Teaching Profession: East Asia, North America, and North Europe | 18th South East Asia of Institutional Research (SEAAIR) Conference | 008 | 雅加達 | 國際研討會 |
107 | 07 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho*; Robin June-Cheng Chen; Shin Hsin-Wei Weng | A Study of Application of Transaction Cost and Relational Capital Perspectives on Relationship between Institutional Governance and Institutional Performance ~ Comparison between Taiwan and Mainland China HEIs | The World MultiConference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI) | 417 | 奧蘭多 | 國際研討會 |
107 | 06 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen & Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Doctor Education and Career Development in Taiwan | International Workshop of a Comparative study on the Doctor course education in East Asia, Research Institute for Higher Education | 013 | Hiroshima University | 國際研討會 |
107 | 05 | 何希慧 | Investigating the relationship between multicareer pathways and promotion system for academic faculty of higher education institutions in Taiwan | 2018 AIR (Association for Institutional Research) Forum; TW-AIR Best Presentation | 417 | 奧蘭多 | 國際研討會 |
107 | 05 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Cross-Border Education and Academic Mobility. | Workshop on APEC Report on Education and Economic Development | 030 | 曼谷 | 國際研討會 |
106 | 07 | Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Study on the Influence of Students’ Social Capital and International Mindset on Employability: Taking Students’ Learning Outcomes as Mediator (Scopus Proceedings) | The 11th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2017) | 417 | Orlando, Florida | 國際研討會 |
106 | 07 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; Robin Jung-Cheng Chen | Using PTS as an Innovative Pedagogy: Case Study from a Culinary School in Taiwan | Symposium of Educational Innovations in Countries Around the World | 417 | Seattle, Washington | 國際研討會 |
106 | 07 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho*, Robin Jung-Cheng Chen, Yao-Ping Peng, Hsin-Wei Weng | The Comparison of Science and Technology Policy Assessments between Taiwan and the United States: A Perspective of New Public Management (Scopus Proceedings) | The 21st World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2017) | 417 | Orlando, Florida | 國際研討會 |
106 | 05 | Michael Yao-Ping Peng; Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | A Study of Application of Transaction Cost and Relational Capital Perspectives on Relationship between Institutional Governance and Institutional Performance | 1st International Conference on Business management, Social Sciences and Humanities: Reality and Expectations | 027 | 新加坡 | 國際研討會 |
106 | 05 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; Robin Jung-Cheng Chen; Shin Hsin-Wei Weng | A comparative analysis of science, technology and innovation policy evaluation among Netherlands, Finland and Taiwan: A perspective of new public management | 1st International Conference on Business management, Social Sciences and Humanities: Reality and Expectations | 027 | 新加坡 | 國際研討會 |
106 | 04 | Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho | Study on the Influence of Students’ Social Capital and International Mindset on Employability: Taking Students’ Learning Outcomes as Mediator (Scopus Proceedings) | The 11th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2017) | 417 | Orlando, Florida | 國際研討會 |
105 | 11 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen & Sophia Shihuei Ho | From government to governance: School quality assurance in Taiwan (Keynote) | Delivering quality assurance in schools: South Asia regional conference | 021 | 尼泊爾 | 國際研討會 |
105 | 10 | Sophia Shihuei Ho | The Rise and Fall of Teacher Education Programs in Taiwan | Symposium on Educational Innovations and Reform in Countries around the World | 417 | Seattle | 國際研討會 |
105 | 07 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen; Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; Michael Yao-Ping Peng | Institutional management, working condition and academic contribution in Asian higher education | 10th International Multi-Conference on Society | 美國 | Florida | |
105 | 05 | Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; Yao-Ping Peng | Strategic Agenda-Setting of Institutional Research in Taiwan’s Higher Education Institutions | 2016 Association for Institutional research (AIR) Forum in New Orleans | 417 | 紐奧爾良 | 國際研討會 |
105 | 04 | 陳榮政,何希慧 | 學校氣候、教師專業發展與教學品質關聯性之研究-以北美及東亞地區為例 | 第四屆海峽兩岸教育論壇 | 520 | 河南鄭州 | 國際研討會 |
105 | 04 | Robin Jung-Cheng Chen; Sophia Shi-Huei Ho; Michael Yao-Ping Peng | Institutional management, working condition and academic contribution in Asian higher education (Scopus Proceedings) | 10th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics | 417 | Orlando, Florida | 國際研討會 |
104 | 12 | Shi-Huei Ho, Yao-Ping Peng | A Study on Construction of Relationship between ambidexterity and Performance through Social Capital View: Market Orientation as a Moderator | 2015 AIBSEAR Penang Conference | 馬來西亞 | 檳城 | |
104 | 12 | Shi-Huei Ho, Yao-Ping Peng | A Study on Construction of Relationship between ambidexterity and Performance through Social Capital View: Market Orientation as a Moderator | 2015 AIBSEAR Penang Conference | 019 | 檳城 | 國際研討會 |
104 | 09 | 何希慧 | 臺灣與中國大陸大學生學習動機與成效間關係發展之研究 | 第三屆海峽兩岸教育發展高峰論壇 | 520 | 福建(福建師範大學) | 國際研討會 |
104 | 07 | 何希慧 | 重視傳統文化與價值:臺灣推動品德教育的途徑與方式 | 2015海峽兩岸中華傳統文化與現代化研討會 | 000 | 北京 | 國際研討會 |
104 | 05 | 何希慧 | 以資源基礎觀點論述臺灣高等教育機構績效之研究 | 2015年兩岸高等教育論壇 | 中國 | 武漢 | |
104 | 05 | Shi-Huei Ho, Yao-Ping Peng | Social Capital, Resources, and Performance: Evidence from Taiwan | 2015 Association for Institutional Research Forum in Denver | 美國 | 丹佛 | |
104 | 05 | 何希慧 | 以資源基礎觀點論述臺灣高等教育機構績效之研究 | 2015年兩岸高等教育論壇 | 520 | 武漢 | 國際研討會 |
104 | 05 | Shihuei Ho; Yaoping Peng | Reconsidering the Antecedents and Performance Relationship in Taiwanese Higher Education Institutions: Resource-based and Social Capital Views | 2015 Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Annual Forum in Denver | 417 | Denver | 國際研討會 |
104 | 05 | Shi-Huei Ho, Yao-Ping Peng | Social Capital, Resources, and Performance: Evidence from Taiwan | 2015 Association for Institutional Research Forum in Denver | 417 | Denver | 國際研討會 |
103 | 12 | Ku-Ho Lin, Shihuei Ho, Yao-Ping Peng | The Application of Social Capital to the Construction of Organizational Capability | 2014 Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference | China | Macau | |
103 | 12 | 何希慧、彭耀平 | 運用組織學習理論探索校務研究之實務與義涵 | 2014海峽兩岸高等教育論壇-大學校務治理研究(Institutional Research) | 000 | 臺北 | 國際研討會 |
103 | 12 | Ku-Ho Lin, Shihuei Ho, Yao-Ping Peng | The Application of Social Capital to the Construction of Organizational Capability | 2014 Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference | 520 | Macau | 國際研討會 |
103 | 11 | 何希慧、彭耀平 | 運用組織學習理論探索校務研究之實務與義涵 | 2014海峽兩岸高等教育論壇-大學校務治理研究(Institutional Research) | Taiwan | Taipei | |
103 | 11 | 何希慧 | Reflection in Teacher Education:Issues and Solutions in Taiwan | 2014 The Fifth Pacific-Rim Conference on Education | 000 | 臺北 | 國際研討會 |
103 | 09 | 何希慧 | 海峽兩岸高等教育學生學習動機與成效之初探 | 海峽兩岸教育創新與教師發展論壇 | 中國大陸 | 北京 | |
103 | 09 | 何希慧 | 海峽兩岸高等教育學生學習動機與成效之初探 | 海峽兩岸教育創新與教師發展論壇 | 520 | 北京 | 國際研討會 |
103 | 04 | 何希慧 | 臺灣高等教育入學管理模式建構之探討;高等教育內外部品質保證:亞洲發展與趨勢 | 高等教育評鑑國際研討會 | 000 | 台北 | 國際研討會 |
102 | 10 | Shihuei Ho | Criteria of Student Learning Outcomes and Support Systems at One University in Taiwan | The Fouth Pacific-Rim Conference on Education | 015 | Gyeongju | 國際研討會 |
102 | 06 | 何希慧,許文瑞 | 臺灣高等教育推動教師分流發展與多元升等制度之初探 | 2013年永續發展的教育行政與評鑑學術研討會 | 000 | 臺北 | 國內研討會 |
102 | 04 | 何希慧 | 國外大學教師多元升等制度比較之研究 | 大學教師資格審查實務研討會 | 000 | 台北 | 國際研討會 |
102 | 04 | Shihuei Ho | What Is the Next? A Study on the Implementation and Refelction of Teacher Education Program evaluation in Taiwan | The Fouth Pacific-Rim Conference on Education,Gyeongju | 015 | 首爾 | 國際研討會 |