年度 | 月份 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 國家 | 城市 | 性質 |
108 | 07 | Wen-Yueh Lu | An Exploratory Curriculum Development Project Integrating English into Early Childhood Curriculum | The 20th PECERA International Conference: Teacher Preparation for Tomorrow's Early Childhood Education | 000 | 台北市 | 國際研討會 |
108 | 05 | 黃鈺玲,陳品妤,廖柔茜,蔡宜君,盧雯月 | 我是小孩,我有權利:探究身障孩童家長對共融式遊戲場的看法 | 台灣教育社會學論壇『學校的社會責任:反省與回應』 | 000 | 南投 | 國際研討會 |
104 | 05 | 盧雯月、余珮云、莊淑芬、涂宜均、張琇婷 | 聽見角落的聲音--單親幼兒在幼兒園中的同儕世界 | 教育改革與異化--邊緣化的新世代 | 台灣 | 南投 | |
104 | 05 | 盧雯月、李昕芷、林子晴、許淨雅、楊雨儒、林幸萱 | 一個孩子都不能少--探究以活動為本位的教學中,成人如何鷹架弱勢幼兒的讀寫 | 教育改革與異化--邊緣化的新世代 | 台灣 | 南投 | |
104 | 05 | 盧雯月、余珮云、莊淑芬、李怡靜、涂宜均、張琇婷 | 聽見角落的聲音--單親幼兒在幼兒園中的同儕世界 | 教育 | 台灣 | 南投 | |
104 | 01 | 盧雯月、李昕芷、林子晴、許淨雅、楊雨儒、林幸萱 | 一 | 教育 | 台灣 | 南投 | |
099 | 05 | 葉亞琪、張瀞心、李宜霈、劉津瑋、李翊琳、盧雯月 | 博物館導覽員導覽幼兒之初探 | 「博物館2010~21世紀的博物館價值與使命」國際學術研討會論文集 | 台灣 | 台北 | |
098 | 01 | Lu, Wen-Yueh | A teacher educator’s inquiry in supervised teaching: Values, pedagogy, and relationships in the collaborative journey towards building a whole-language kindergarten classroom | Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) 10th Annual Conference: Towards Unity amidst Diversity in Early Childhood Education | | | |
098 | 01 | 陳銀螢、盧雯月 | 準畢業生對專業倫理內涵的認知與相關兒童教育信念初探--一個反思教學的研究 | 2009年臺灣教育學術研討會:社會變遷中的教育發展 | | | |
098 | 01 | 盧雯月、陳銀螢、金瑞芝 | 4-8歲新住民幼兒在校適應狀況之研究--同儕關係 | 幼兒教育改革研究會年會:讓孩子的起跑點多些愛與平等-弱勢幼兒的啟蒙教育 | | | |
098 | 01 | 金瑞芝、陳銀螢、盧雯月 | 新移民家庭4-8歲子女之學校適應--家校關係的探討 | 中華民國幼兒教育改革研究會年會--「弱勢幼兒的啟蒙教育--讓孩子的起跑點多些愛與平等」 | | | |
098 | 01 | 盧雯月、陳銀螢、金瑞芝 | 當幼稚園教師和小學低年級教師遇到新住民子女: 從教師的文化回應和教學實踐中尋找多元文化教育在師資培育課程中的定位 | 「弱勢學生師資專業素養」學術研討會 | | | |
098 | 01 | 金瑞芝、陳銀螢、盧雯月 | 新移民家庭4-8歲子女之學校適應—家校關係的探討 | 2009幼兒教育改革研究會年會:讓孩子的起跑點多些愛與平等-弱勢幼兒的啟蒙教育 | | | |
098 | 01 | Lai,Yin-Jung, Lin,Tzu-Hsuan, & Lu, Wen-Yueh | We are kindergarten teachers and we could: Lessons learned from a year-long in-service supervision program | Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) 10th Annual Conference: Towards Unity amidst Diversity in Early Childhood Education | | | |
098 | 01 | Lu, Wen-Yueh, Lin, Jui-Yin, & Hsu, Meng-Hsing | My clinical teaching experience: An experiment of integrating English language into a theme-based early childhood curriculum | Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference 2009: Unpacking Teaching and Learning through Educational Research | | | |
098 | 01 | Chang, Chiung-yun, Chen, Hsiao-fang, Hsieh, Hsin-Yu, Yeh, Ching-yu, Zheng, Li-ru , & Lu, Wen-Yueh | A preliminary investigation of “Bookstart” in Taiwan: Viewpoints from organizers, reading specialists, and parents | Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) 10th Annual Conference: Towards Unity amidst Diversity in Early Childhood Education | | | |
097 | 01 | 郭信毅、盧雯月 | 當「外師」遇上「中師」--一間雙語幼稚園協同教學的初探 | 全球化趨勢下的教育革新與展望兩岸四地學術研討會 | | | |
097 | 01 | Chen, Y-Y., & Lu, W-Y. | School Adjustment of Children with newly migrant mothers to Taiwan | 20th meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) | | | |
097 | 01 | Tso, Chao-Ping. & Lu, Wen-Yueh | A Case Study of a Cambodian Mother’s Discipline Style in Taiwan | 20th meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) | | | |
097 | 01 | Lu, Wen-Yueh, Chin, J-C, Chen, Y-Y | Early Childhood Teachers’ Perception of Multiculturalism and Practices of Multicultural Education in Taiwan: Listening to the Voices from the Field | Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) 2008 | | | |
097 | 01 | Chin, J. C.; Lu, W. Y., & Chen, Y. Y. | The accountability of schooling-related experiences for learning behaviors of minority students | International Congress of Psychology | | | |
097 | 01 | Chin, J. C., Chen, Y. Y., & Lu, W. Y. | The effects of immigrant mothers' adjustment on young children's family experiences and learning behaviors | International Congress of Psychology | | | |
096 | 01 | Huang, Hua-Chuan, Chang, Yu-Hua, Chung, Yi-Hsuan, Chen, Wei-Ru, Liao, Wen-Jung, & Lu, Wen-Yueh | A Close-Up of Parenting Styles and Needs of Mothers with “New Taiwanese Kids” in the Context of Family Literacy Practices of Two Households. | Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 8th Annual Conference (PECERA): Rethinking Early Childhood Education | | | |
095 | 01 | 吳莉榛、盧雯月 | 一個兩歲男童對童書的初體驗:探究一個南台灣鄉下幼兒的家庭共讀經驗 | 中部六校院聯合幼兒教保論壇:「2006年幼兒教保—理論與實務」國際學術研討會論文集 | | | |
090 | 01 | 許素彬、盧雯月、尹麗芳 | 從學前教育機構之生態分析探討發展遲緩幼兒融合教育之資源需求 | 全球化與社會福利研討會 | | | |